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A checklist at night helps the next morning start out right!


Catchy title right? Trust me when I say...this is TRUE! Have you ever started your morning out and realize you are rushing around wishing you had a clone? Well, I have a tip for you. You can eliminate some of your morning "to do's" by getting them done the night before! Whether it is laying out your clothes or prepping the kid's lunchboxes, there are many benefits of maintaining an evening routine:

  1. You will have less to do in the morning. You then have an opportunity to get more sleep, more time for selfcare (ex: exercise, meditation), valuable time with your kids, and also a little bit of extra time to enjoy a hot cup of coffee!

  2. It helps you maintain a clean and tidy home. By cleaning up and putting things away before bed each night, your home won't pile up with clutter!

  3. It prepares you for a good night's sleep since you will have less tasks to remember to do!

  4. It decreases stress, typical when having a rushed morning, and creatives a more positive outlook for the day.

Check out the free printable attached! Print it out each week, attach it to your fridge and check off each task at night. Then go enjoy a more peaceful morning!

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